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California State Laws

California HOA Laws & CA Homeowners Association Resources

  • Nonprofit Corporation Statutes generally apply to any incorporated Common Interest Community. In California, nonprofit, nonstock corporations organized for religious, charitable, social, educational, recreational or similar purposes are formed pursuant to the Nonprofit Corporation Law, commencing with California Corporations Code section 5000.
  • The Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act is the common name of the portion of the California Civil Code beginning with section 1350 which governs condominium, cooperative, and planned unit development communities in California.

Common Interest Development Act (Davis-Stirling Act)

*The above list may not be a complete list of all laws and regulations that govern HOAs in your state.  HOA-USA recommends that you reach out to a law firm that has experience in the field of HOA Law if you have questions concerning laws, state statutes or your governing documents.

  • The Articles of Incorporation filed with the Secretary of State provide the legal basis of the association in the form of an Incorporated Non-Profit Corporation.
  • The recorded map or ‘plat’ defines each owner’s title to property including the association’s title to common areas.
  • The CCR’s (Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions) are publicly recorded deed restrictions.
  • The Bylaws are the rules for management and administration.
  • Resolutions are additional rules and regulations that the association may adopt.
  • Federal Laws also apply. Some but not all include the The Fair Housing Act, Internal Revenue Codes, the American Disabilities Act, the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act , the FCC OTARD Rule (Over the Air Reception Devices – Satellite Dishes) and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
  • There are typically additional state laws that are not specific to Common Interest Communities which require compliance. Some examples include stormwater runoff, coastal development, elevator inspections for condos, and pool operations to name a few.
  • Local Ordinances, while not specific to homeowner associations, apply to building codes, animal control, abandoned cars, water, etc.
  • Additional legal regulations can exist in the form of case law; standards set by professional organizations such as accountants, engineers, architects, home inspectors, and real estate brokers; as well as lender requirements.
  • State laws affecting Common Interest Communities vary widely.
  • Bills affecting Common Interest Communities are frequently being introduced in state legislatures and may be in different stages of consideration, approval, or enactment.
  • It is not uncommon to find conflicts within or between governing documents such as the covenants and the bylaws. There may also be conflicts between governing documents and statutes. When this occurs, attorneys must often consider applying Rules of Intepretation.
  • Because of the wide variance in state laws, constant changes and possible conflicts in governing documents or statutes, it is strongly recommended that association boards and members seek legal counsel and especially with firms that have expertise or strong practice experience in the area of Common Interest Community law. A good starting point is to check the HOA-USA Vendor Directory for your respective state.

Support Our Partners

These companies, along with those listed in our Vendor Directory, provide outstanding products and services for homeowner associations.

Belwood Properties
Digital Guard

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Add or Update Your Listing in Our Management Company Directory

HOA-USA is pleased to offer a FREE listing for your management company in our state-specific Management Company Directory. This is a single static listing for your state.

Please fill out the form below to be added to the directory, or to update your listing.

The company information you provide will be used solely for the purpose of updating our site, and your personal information will not be shared with anyone.

If you are interested in having your listing be displayed near the top of the page with enhanced contact info and recognition, please inquire about our Partner Program. The HOA-USA Partner Program is an opportunity for companies to market their products and services to the board members of their single family, townhome, and condominium associations. is designed to provide state specific marketing opportunities to our Partners. Four levels of Partnership allow us to provide cost-effective marketing campaigns to companies large and small.

Companies interested in learning more about the HOA-USA Partner Program should inquire in the comments section of the form below or contact a Partner Account Specialist at (919) 798-0813.

Add or Update Your Listing in Our Vendor Directory

HOA-USA is pleased to offer a FREE listing in our state-specific Vendor Directory. This is a static listing in the appropriate region of your state. The Vendor Directory is visited by thousands of board members each month.

Please fill out the form below to be added to the directory, or to update your listing.

The company information you provide will be used solely for the purpose of updating our site, and your personal information will not be shared with anyone.

If you are interested in having your listing link to your website, and be displayed near the top of the page, please inquire about our Partner Programs. The HOA-USA Partner Program is an opportunity for companies to market their products and services to the board members of their single family, townhome, and condominium associations. is designed to provide state specific marketing opportunities to our Partners. 3 levels of Partnership allow us to provide cost-effective marketing campaigns to companies large and small.

Companies interested in learning more about the HOA-USA Partner Program should inquire in the comments section of the form below or contact HOA-USA at 919-459-2859.

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